Thursday, June 25, 2009


I said I would keep up with my blog but I have neglected it for a week :O!!!!!!!!
I have been a bit busy and got a little lazy to write in it :D
Besides being busy with the same old boring errands and among some other things that I have been trying to take care of so I can go back to school, I have been PLAYING VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!
hahaha yeah so I have been playing my FFXII game that I bought as a collectors edition for 80 something dollars that I pre-ordered about 4 months in advanced that I opened and it no longer was a collectors limited edition as I was told later because I OPENED IT!! ABOUT 3 YEARS AGO WHEN I FIRST GOT IT FRESH FROM GAMESTOP!

I became all bitter about spending all that money and me thrashing it Oh and the fact that the character that I thought was going to be playable wasn't and he died in the very beginning. So, I bitterly started playing it and got stuck in in the very beginning when I didn't even have all my permanent characters. I half assed it and because of that I couldn't pass the big boss so I stopped playing

....... anyways all these years later I finally restarted and started playing it the right way hahahaha so I passed a couple of bosses and now I got a little to into the game so I have been playing quite a bit.

DUDE I am totally going to dream about this game again. :O I already had a dream where I was part of the game but it was in the real world and I was making commands to the other characters so they could kill this one big TRex.....yeah there are TRex in this game -_-
........ so all the creatures and pretty much everything is all fantasy designed characters that don't exists and for some reason there are TREXs!!!!!! in there.......why I don't know but it's quite amusing :D

in every Final Fantasy game that I have play there are T Rexs... oh well......

so yeah there you go FF games I have a little obssesion over those games :D
Now I wish I had a PS3 so I can get FFXIII :o......... one day when the price drops really low hahahaha

okie dokie time to go to sleep it is 1:07 am right now ..
Good nite

dream of sheep and spam

:D but here is a video first of my current obsession
Yay for Square Enix!
good thing I haven't stumbled upon the ending of the game cause then I would be tempted to watch the video of the ending lol.

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