Sunday, November 22, 2009


I've have said it before in a previous post that I am currently a bit obsessed with a Korean drama....well more than a bit haha.
And well since part of my personality is to analyze things no matter how stupid they are if it's something that catches my interest then I will analyze.
Anyways the plushie that is featured in the drama caught my eye well not just my eye it caught the eyes of many cause it's super cute. It's called pig rabbit.

I started thinking what if they really did exist a pig rabbit.
How would a pig-rabbit live?
How would a pig-rabbit look like?
What would it eat? What rabbits eat or what pigs eat or eat something entirely different like meat?
Would it be furry or hairless?
WWPRD? (in case you don't get it it's What Would Pig-Rabbit Do? :D)

Then I started thinking by the way it was created in the drama You're Beautiful...since generally the dominant part would be mentioned first in the I would say species name. What I mean since technically that plushie is mainly a rabbit whose nose is a pig's wouldn't it be then rabbit-pig and not pig-rabbit?
It's like saying killer whales are white and black when they are black and white since black is the dominant color. Or does it come down to the philosophical question is the glass half full or half empty?

As I was looking for the plushie on google images I found found this pic
an ardvark this can be conisdered in some way pig-rabbits right?

hahaha yeah I just wanted to post this cause I thought it was funny to start thinking about this. hahaha this types of things are not the only type of things I start analyzing just to let everyone who reads this know haha.

Oh and since I was searching for pics I found this as well it is creepy beyond words D: who thought that making a pig phone would be a good idea....well the design of it.

and here is a clip of how pig-rabbit came to be :D


  1. hahaha that's right on the name but i guess they kept it as pig-rabbit because it sounds smoother than rabbit-pig. and i never really thought of how a real pig-rabbit would look like till you mentioned it

  2. oh and that pig phone is just plain weird. who would actually want one of those?

  3. I guess lol but it doesn't change the fact that is a rabbit pig lol
