Friday, May 28, 2010

Paranormal Activity?!

For the past two days...well make it 3 this is technically the 3rd day I've been watching this. I have been watching a show called ghost hunters on hulu (too bad not all the episodes are on there :/) and I have been scaring myself senseless. I have always had an interest in the paranormal since I was a kid even though it scares me after a while and have to sleep with the lights on. I always read or watch or listen to anything that is related to ghosts and legends and things related to that sort so yeah I ended up finding ghost hunter episodes on hulu. How did I end up there ...well I was watching tv then saw a preview for for the Ghost Whisperer and look it up on hulu I saw 2 episodes and I remembered that when I was doing the search on hulu I saw the ghost hunters so I went ahead to the channel and started watching that. hahaha well I am intrigued dunno whether what they filmed there was true or not or tv magic but it did the job in calling my attention and scaring me as well. They have some really neat locations where they went to like some abandoned hospitals and prisons. I actually believe in ghost and that type of thing since I have had some experiences and my parents have as well. Anyways it is entertaining to watch just not so fun when going to sleep haha I didn't sleep very well last night thinking about ghosts hahaha.

I wonder how many of these videos are real


I was looking for some pics but they all seemed pretty fake oh well

hehehe so this video is the monster mash a live performance by Bobby Boris Pickett

hahah the performance was cute


  1. I love ghost things too!I like to watch the show on the Discovery Channel "A Haunting" I can almost never stop watching! I also think the first video is fake, and the second is real.

  2. :D I know its pretty awesome really interesting to watch I could sit down and just watch a marathon of those types of shows
